What is an EFAP?

Employee and Family Assistance Programs (EFAP) provide brief assessment and counseling, as well as a referral program for employees (and often family members) of an organization. EFAP’s were developed with the idea that emotionally healthy workers were productive employees. This has held to be true. A well utilized EFAP can reduce staff turnover and absenteeism, increase morale, increase effective communication strategies between and within departments, reduce training costs, and increase productivity.

Effective EFAP’s consist of:

Assessment - this may involve clinical interviews, standardized psychological testing, or collaborative
interviews (supervisor, physician, teacher, etc.)
Counseling - brief counseling for psychological issues (relationship issues, stress, addictions, anxiety,
depression, work issues, etc.)
Referral Services - available for treatment of issues that are not wholly within the realm of psychology (e.g., financial counseling, legal concerns)
Supervisory Consultation - available for supervisors, managers, and human resources personnel.
Consultation offered on how to use EFAP’s effectively (e.g., how to make a formal referral based on an
employee’s work performance.)
Training - offered on a variety of relevant topics (e.g., sexual harassment in the workplace, supervisory
training, communication strategies, dealing with change, stress management, team building, mediation skills)

What happens when you access the EFAP?

All contact with the EFAP is entirely confidential. Simply call our offices and book an appointment. When you come to our offices, you will meet with one of our registered psychologists. The program will be explained in detail (the number of hours available and cost, if any). The counseling process will also be explained, with emphasis on the issue of confidentiality. Once the assessment is completed, you will be provided several options (e.g., counseling, referral).

How do I access the EFAP?

Simply call our office at 266-2017. Our psychologists are available for appointments within 24 hours of your call. Our office hours are from 8:30 to 5:00, Monday through Friday, but with special arrangements, evening or weekend appointments are available.

THINK ABOUT THIS - Many feel a stigma when contemplating asking for help with their personal or work
related issues. However, mental health is simply another component of your overall health - accessing
psychological help is similar to going to your doctor for your physical health. Even if you feel that the problem may be somebody else’s (e.g., alcoholism), if their issue is affecting you then accessing psychological help will give you options in dealing with the issue.

REMEMBER - asking for help is a sign of strength, not of weakness.


STRESS (work/non-work related)
Psychological and physical reactions to stress, e.g., headaches, insomnia, eating dysfunctions
Crisis intervention
Job stress (harassment, job uncertainty, career counseling)

Family issues
Supervisory concerns
Peer relationships
Abuse issues

Alcohol and/or drug abuse
ACOA (adult children of alcoholics)
Recovery issues